I know this has taken me ages to put up.
But way back in August, Karen, Becks, Dani and I headed off to Copenhagen, Denmark for the long weekend. Good times...It's all about the Beer (Carlsburg) and hot dogs afterwards!

Hot dog number 1 after our night out 4.30am

Hotdog number 2, and every bit as excited!

Our night out. Dani, Becks, Kaz & Humo

We got the cabby to take us to his favourite local restaurant. Had a great dinner of mixed meat, Eels and potatoes, potatoes, potatoes and then as it turned out, this cute little restaurant turned into a bit of a club. Was funny indeed. As there was a bucks party sitting next to us, the boys got us all up dancing for the night and taught Becks and I how to speak Danish (whilst intoxicated). Was hard to leave as the barman kept bringing us free cocktails to stay and dance with the locals...eventually Karen & Dani jumped into a little bike carriage and got riden home, then following about 2hrs later Becks & Humo walked home with hot dogs in hand around 5am!

The day before walking around Copenhagen

The view from our hostel room. The 2 poles on the left are sticking up out of the oldest theme park which just goes on in the middle of the city all year round.

Breakfast along the water

View from our room again

A Church an fountain we stubbled across along our walk

The palace...may look familiar from Princess Mary's wedding to the Price of Denmark.

Changing of the guards

The Little Mermaid (Copenhagen is was the home of Han Christian Anderson, we went to his musuem and it turns out that Disney put quite a spin on most of his stories including the little mermaid...was quite scared upopn leaving to hear of the tragic endings in stories such as the little mermaid and the little matchstick girl!)

One of the little streets

The canals again

Another Royal palace
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