Out for lunch with the girls from Work- Doris, Me, Kayee, Marisa & Anna.

The London Crew, at a Japanese and Sushi Restaurant for dinner- Beck, Karen, Becks, John, Jason, Ben, Pokey, Jane & Meg

Karen organised me a very yummy birthday cake!

John, Jason & Ben (a rare sight...Jason is smiling!)

Karen's half gone...although John tempted us with a final 2 jugs of cocktails before heading home. Naturally we took him up on the offer and here we are!
Hey Janey Waney - Happy Birthday - you are looking fabulous!! Sorry it's taken me so long to touch base. I've been busy - although that's no excuse - But I'm married now - It's Mrs Rebecca Bishop! And we are still building our house and should move in within 6 weeks! Can't wait to hear from you - How's everything going?
Bekstewart :)
Thanks Mrs Bishop. Thats crazy! Lauren told me that you looked absolutely beautiful for the big day. You'll have to email me some photos please!! jane.humeniuk@credit-suisse.com.
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