Germany...the land of beer, potatoes, beer, meat, beer, more potatoes, beer and more meat! Yum yum! Crazy place, crazy festival but great fun! Come Monday though, all of us were the biggest scatter brains, dehydration of the brain left us all clueless!!

In the beer tent after a few 1 litre beer steins

Day one..Andy proud as punch with his hat and beer

The Pig Pen in Hofbrau house...mainly full of Kiwis and Aussies. The pig pen is the middle area. If you walk in there you risk loosing your underwear and having it thrown up on the cupid! Actually who am I kidding...show any of your underwear anywhere and you're brave!

These poor ladies, somehow carry up to 15 of these things..and they're heavy!!!
They stick a whistle in their mouth and brow it to get people out of the way before they collapse onto the table with them! (I stuggled trying to left 3 with one hand...having to lift one to drink is heavy enough!)

The beer ladies in line

One of the meat tents

See one of Munich's churches in the background

Another brewhouse with funny little moving men

Day one walking into the Oktoberfest

Andy, Tom and Dela strutting his stuff as we arrive early to grab a table

Hofbrau house brew house..waiting in line for opening 9am

Leading up to the opening of the festival we thought it only right that we practice at the beers halls in town.... Here we also met up with Humo's old Melbourne workmate, MJ and her sister Kat.

Girls and boys split up for a day in Munich...boys get bored and head to beer hall almost immediately and save us a table for the day/night....girls head to markets, have a gourmet platter and wine, head to some shops, go out for irish coffees and meet the boys in the arvo.

Beer and Karen night before the festival opening...getting a few in at the Hofbrau house town beer hall

Ben being funny taking a photo of us girls

Andy Dela and Ben

The crew minus Andy and Kaz in front of the Munich church/big clock

First day at Thelkerkin camp grounds...just a couple before we headed into the city beerhalls

Us girls being merry
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