Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Saturday, November 05, 2005
The Boys Were In Town

The boys last night before going to Amsterdam. Merch, the guy next to Mark, organised all the boys to go and play football/soccer on a tennis court that night. Kaz and I came to watch with beers and Pizza in hand. Afterwards we headed to a little pub down the street to watch the soccer and drink a little more. Matt, John(Merch), Jason(Merch), Mark and Humo.

The boys came and stayed for about 12 days, so here's them making themselves at home. In case you don't know them, they are two boys that we went to High School with in Echuca. Matt Spittal and Mark Kingma.

Welcome to Our Home

So there you go, our new home for the next 12 months. If anyone wants to write or even better pop in our address is:
22 Cheval Court, 335 Upper Richmond Road, Putney, London UK SW156UA.
Our numbers:
Karen- +44 7 914 974 255
Jane- +44 7 914 974 240

The Kitchen. (With a washer and dryer)

Our passage leading up to 'the room.' Photo taken from the front door. First left is the kitchen and then the next is the bathroom.

Our bed, we do have a real doona now though.

Out for dinner in Covent Garden. Karen, Jane, Annie (Hilda's chick), Pokey (the absolute legend who took us in for over a week, we love you Pokey. Also a Hilda's chick) Rose (Hilda's chick) & Becks (Annie NZer housemate)
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Our New Home
Hi guys, just a quick hello as I am at work.
I have been trying to post photos of our new house, but I keep having problems, so for now i'm just going to give you all our new contact details.
Our new address for the next 6 months at least is:
22 Cheval Court
335 Upper Richmond Road
Putney, London SW15 6UA
The phone in our flat just got connected too and it's 020 8785 4452. Calling from Australia thats 0011 44 20 8785 4452. Remember that we are 11 hours behind you though, so no calling in the middle of the night!!!
I hope you're all well,
Love always
Kazza and Humo