Walking across the border into Morocco. We caught a ferry from Spain down to Ceuta (Spainish provence of Morocco main land) then walked across the border. Was a little dodgy cause the African people all try and get across into Europe this way.

Morocco, stop one. Little town in the mountains called Chechaouene. The 6 of us caught a 4 seater cab here from Ceuta, took about 2 hours (minimum) and cost us about £30 althogether.

Main square in the Medina

Little kids playing in the street

Just wandering around the alleys

One of the many donkeys walking around the town. (In front of a temple)

Looking over Fes, this is part of the Medina.
The 8 of us hired a guide to take us around the countryside and through the cities. Was meant to be for 4 days but he ended up looking after us for 6 days.
Th Medina here has over 9,000 little alley ways that twist around (a medina means old town)..We didn't dare attempt walking through this maze until our guide took us. Who knows where you'd end up!

We stumbled across this little school in the Medina and they invited us all in. The kids learn French from the second grade onwards. Zach (Becks' brother and Aralia (Zach's french girlfriend) sat up the front and chatted to them

Reciting their french

These are the largest dying pot thingys in Africa. They're in the middle of the Medina and stink.

It's where they dye all the leather. You can see all the skins in the right corner

Every couple of minutes walking through the streets we'd have to move aside for the donkeys

Fes from the top of a carpet shop in the middle of the medina

Us all on top of the carpet shop.
Dela, Pia, Ben, Zach, Tom, Aralia, Me and Becks

Over another hill in Fes.

We stopped along our country side tour to feed the monkeys some peanuts

The atlas mountains from a service station

The Ziz valley and Pia & Dela

Camel ride into the Sahara Desert at Sunset

My camel after our ride....thanks a lot!

Sunrise after camping out under the stars for the night

Yep that's me

Our camp site from one of the dunes

Our 2 desert guides. I don't know how they don't get lost! As soon as you walk over one dune you can't see or hear anything even at night time. We went on a 'short' night time stroll and we would have been lost if it wasn't for our guide. It's crazy out there. He tried walking a couple of us over a few dunes and it just wasn't happening!

Morning camel ride back to the oasis

A lake on the edge of the desert where our little oasis was...we opted to camp in the desert instead of out here though

one of the many villages along our drive through the countryside...It's amazing scenery all around..people still acually live here too.

Todra Gorge, night 2

Our accommodation

Dela smoking a Sheesha...sporting his mo for mo-vember in mo-rocco

Top of a village

Village from the bottom...this is acually were they filmed part of Gladiator, Kingdom of Heaven and many more.. There are television studios close by. Many important families still live here in the Kasbas (bigger buildings) with the locals.

Day 4 coming out of the Altas Mountain ranges en route to Marrakech. We stopped here for a bbq lunch. This involved picking a part fo the cow so they'd chop off a few chops and throw them on the bbq. Then they'd chop off some more and put it through a mincer to make us some fresh hamburgers! Was very yummy...just didn't look that great at the front of the shop. Lucky we had our guide though, wouldn't have stopped off at hardly any of the places if it wasn't for him. He knew which places would and wouldn't make us all sick.

Zach gets his shoes polished in Marrakech

The other side of the shop front where we had our bbq

Some dancers on the streeet in Marrakech

Marrakech main square

One of the many snake charmers..didn't get any photos closer then this roof top cause if they see you take a photo they chase you for money

At night time they set up about one hundred stalls and have a big cook up. We just wandered around and found one to sit down at for dinner. Like this one, many of them had boiled sheep's heads with the brains and tongues sitting out seperately...all prepared in front of you whilst you eat!!!!

Cook up from the top of our hotel

The Sheesha I brought